The older I get, the more people-allergies I develop. There are things I don’t accept in a husband, but am ok with in others. For example, if someone neglects religious duties or has different views on life, I’m not going to hate the person. Allergies on the other hand are personality traits I cannot stand in anyone. So in a potential husband, an allergy is definitely a deal breaker. Experience has taught me I should run away from people with any of these traits. Here is the portrait of my nightmare husband!
Category Archives: Character

The importance of swallowing your anger
We are told all the time that we need to stand up for ourselves when people do us wrong. ”Don’t let people mess with you!” You know how it goes. But is it good advice? Only if they add to it that you shouldn’t get all ratchet chick. Sadly ”ratchet chick” is the way most people respond to injustice. What they don’t realize is that when they ”stand up for themselves” they are actually only harming themselves. Ego 1 – life 0.
How to speak more modestly
Sometimes I don’t notice my faults until I see the same fault in another. For some reason it’s easier to see the mistakes of others than our own mistakes. I think the most difficult mistakes to track are mistakes regarding kindness and modesty, because don’t we all think we’re kind and modest? But how often do we think people are truly kind or modest? I think you get my point. We are often blind to our flaws, and because of that we don’t always speak in a modest manner. After all, showing off is not just about telling everybody how much money you make. Modesty of the tongue is a glorious attribute that requires a humble attitude, empathy and reflection. Let’s talk about that.