To a place where the sky is blue and houses are white,
A place where birds sing and stars bling,
Where leaves dance to the melody of the wind
And people dance to life,
Because the sun kisses them to smile
While warm air soothes them with hugs.
It’s where pressure is only high, in the sky
And clouds are low, below their feet;
Where they walk on air with their feet still on the ground;
Where the dreams they float in are the reality of life.
It’s a place where the future is bright;
not because there is no darkness,
but because there is light.
urmatoarea intersectie dupa Liberty Center e Sebastian cu Calea Rahovei si cu Calea Ferentari. Altfel spus, unde se termina Sebastian incepe Calea Ferentari. Jur ca asa e pentru ca stau chiar acolo. Doar de trei luni, ce-i drept, dar in Bucuresti stau de cand m-am nascut. Folosesc Liberty Center ca punct de reper pentru ca este o cladire pe care o cunosc majoritatea oamenilor. Nu am inteles de ce m-ai corectat, cumva la intersectia cu Sebastian nu tot cartierul Rahova e?In fine….nu comentez despre cocalari, am vazut si eu destui, dar cred ca asta e valabil pentru majoritatea cartierelor.