In my last post, how NOT to look hot, I wrote about what you can do to keep a low profile as a Muslim girl. The natural follow-up question was how a girl can still look good while maintaining her modesty. I have to say it saddens me that some girls neglect their appearance with the excuse that they don’t want to attract men. Islam doesn’t tell us to look disheveled. There is a difference between looking sexy and looking decent. My last post was about the former and today I’m going to talk about the latter!
Category Archives: Religion

How NOT to look hot
While so many non-Muslim women in the west are trying their best to look hot to the outside world, we Muslim women try not to look hot. Well, part of us. I hate it when non-Muslims ask me why some hijabi girls look so… ‘’conspicuous’’. I hate it because I can sense the incredibility of hijab in their words. But you know what? I think 99% of those hijabis don’t have bad intentions. Any woman with the slightest bit of femininity in her soul has the inner need to look pretty and presentable. The pitfall here is that we don’t always know where to cross a line between looking well-groomed and looking sexy. So… what is sexy?
Why do bad things exist?
I’m staring at a box of Ferrero Rocher I bought for a friend and I’m thinking: ’’I have the definition of yumminess in front of me, yet I don’t feel any desire to put it in my mouth.’’ I know why I don’t feel like eating it: I’m tired of Ferrero Rocher. Who thought that would ever happen? A while ago my sister was gifted a huge Ferrero Rocher tree. We (read: I) had been eating from the Ferrero tree for weeks. At first it was great, but after a while it wasn’t special anymore. By the time the tree was almost bare I didn’t even feel like finishing it. Something once so wonderful became ‘’just chocolate’’ to me. It’s still delicious, but the whole magical feel was gone and now, months later, I’m still thinking ‘’nah’’. I realized we stop valuing things once they become normal to us, and that got me thinking…
How to speak more modestly
Sometimes I don’t notice my faults until I see the same fault in another. For some reason it’s easier to see the mistakes of others than our own mistakes. I think the most difficult mistakes to track are mistakes regarding kindness and modesty, because don’t we all think we’re kind and modest? But how often do we think people are truly kind or modest? I think you get my point. We are often blind to our flaws, and because of that we don’t always speak in a modest manner. After all, showing off is not just about telling everybody how much money you make. Modesty of the tongue is a glorious attribute that requires a humble attitude, empathy and reflection. Let’s talk about that.
The girl that doesn’t wear hijab
Incredible. It’s just incredible how stupid some people sound when they talk about girls that don’t wear hijab. To some people a headscarf is all there is and all that matters. This often comes from the type of men that really try to hide their sins behind their beard. Guess what? You can’t fake noor. Neither will applying Nars Albatross all over a hijabi’s face give her noor. The radiance of a religious person is unique and special, something skin-deep. Noor comes from a religious heart and a religious heart does not know pride. So why do so many people speak so badly about other sinners?
The blessing in my ordeal
The days before my summer holiday in Morocco are usually very happy days. But last summer I had a lot on my mind. On the night of July 23d 2015, the day before leaving (and I have to add: during the emotional days of my period), I felt very sad. I grabbed a notebook and started writing. Never did I expect my tears of sadness to become tears of happiness.