The older I get, the more people-allergies I develop. There are things I don’t accept in a husband, but am ok with in others. For example, if someone neglects religious duties or has different views on life, I’m not going to hate the person. Allergies on the other hand are personality traits I cannot stand in anyone. So in a potential husband, an allergy is definitely a deal breaker. Experience has taught me I should run away from people with any of these traits. Here is the portrait of my nightmare husband!
Tag Archives: attraction

How NOT to look hot
While so many non-Muslim women in the west are trying their best to look hot to the outside world, we Muslim women try not to look hot. Well, part of us. I hate it when non-Muslims ask me why some hijabi girls look so… ‘’conspicuous’’. I hate it because I can sense the incredibility of hijab in their words. But you know what? I think 99% of those hijabis don’t have bad intentions. Any woman with the slightest bit of femininity in her soul has the inner need to look pretty and presentable. The pitfall here is that we don’t always know where to cross a line between looking well-groomed and looking sexy. So… what is sexy?
But I don’t love you that way
I had no clue. The signs were right in front of me and I saw them, but my brain didn’t do that 1+1=2 trick it’s supposed to do. I cannot believe how blind I was, but everything has fallen into place now.
The Look
The tongue is a talented liar, but the eyes…no, not even a bit. Eyes cannot deceive. They are like an open door to the mind, and therefore terrifyingly accurate when it comes to revealing secrets. I should know, as I had a (best) friend incapable of controlling the size of her pupils whenever I caught her eyes (yikes, what a secret). The eyes have a talent much bigger than the tongue’s: the eyes speak when the tongue is restricted, and they do so silently.